Daily Calorie Intake

How many calories do I need?

What is my daily calorie intake, and how many calories do I actually need per day? These are questions anyone who has ever been concerned with their health or weight has asked many times before. And the answer? Well, when it comes to your wellbeing, it’s vital! If you’re consuming more calories than you need per day, you’re bound to keep piling on the pounds year after year. This can lead to being overweight, developing cardiovascular disease, and even becoming obese. On the other hand, consuming to few calories can be just as dangerous. Depriving your body of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins can easily lead to future health problems. Not to worry, though! With the free, online YAZIO Calorie Intake Calculator, you can easily calculate your recommended calorie intake. Simply fill in the required information, and, whether you’re looking to lose weight or gain weight, our daily calorie intake calculator will put you on the right path!

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